Thursday, February 9, 2012

You can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness.

Song of the day:
Somebody That I Used to Know- Gotye feat. Kimbra
I've been singing that song for....... 3 days now? Then I walk into economics today and my teacher was playing it. Then my best friend (who is in that class) goes "hmmm, I actually like this, what's this song called?". I told him it's been in my head for 3 days, and now he loves it.

So a water main broke at school today. With EXCELLENT timing. I had just finished a Calc test, which turned out to be surprisingly easier than I expected. I had a sight singing test for theory the next period, and I got out of it because school was released and we all got to go home.
So I drove my friend and her brother home, and she went to show me how pregnant her cat was. Well...... not anymore!!! It had its' kittens RIGHT before we got home, and was still having more!! Soooooooooo cute! :)  I've never witnessed an animal giving birth before. We didn't actually see it having any, but we saw right after, and it was great.
So, I guess this is a baby weekend.
Tomorrow, my friend and I are going to my sister's to babysit my niece, who's only a few months old. :)

Also, my issues with my two best friends are improving, and I just feel so good right now. I feel refreshed (even though I haven't slept well in 3 days), and just ready for this weekend! :)

So, relating to the title:
I believe that I am addicted to a certain kind of sadness. When I get happy, it's usually brief because I'm not used to feeling that way, and I want to go back to feeling a way that I understand.. something that I'm used to.

This obviously doesn't relate to right now because I'm super happy right now buuuuuuuuuuuut yeah. :)

And no waking up super early tomorrow to go to zero period. Yay! Just a great start to the weekend (even though it's only Thursday)!!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Amazing for a Minute.

First, I'll start off with the lyrics for the title of the blog, and describing my life right now. By my favorite artist. <3
I would definitely recommend listening to this song.
Amazing for a Minute- Katy McAllister
Maybe it was your fault, I'd like someone to blame
I hope you know because of you I'll never let anyone in
I lost my direction every time you disappear
But this time it is me that's going to keep you far from near
Honestly I'd open up if only I knew how
Trust me it's not easy once you have been made out

To be amazing for a minute
Exciting for an hour
A week if I was lucky
To have you stick around
You pushed me to my limit
And basically succeeded
'Cause forever I'll believe that the best I'll be for now
Is amazing for a minute

This time I was dying to not fall in the game
I know him, he is different but then again everyone is
You made it seem like all I'm good for is only just to please
But not once did it occur to me I deserve much more than you could ever give to me
Honestly it's selfish feeling sorry for myself
But truthfully I'm past the point of trying to overcome self doubt

I was amazing for a minute
Exciting for an hour
A week if I was lucky
To have you stick around
You pushed me to my limit
And basically succeeded
'Cause forever I'll believe that the best I'll be for now
Is amazing for a minute

For the minute there's no such thing as time
Your soul wasn't in it, there's more than just the night
Where I existed, I invested all my time
Just to witness the bitter side of life
And I felt beautiful
But you never called me beautiful
I existed for a night

I was amazing for a minute
Exciting for an hour
A week if I was lucky
To have you stick around
You pushed me to my limit
And basically succeeded
'Cause forever I'll believe that the best I'll be for now
Is amazing for a minute
Exciting for an hour
A week if I am lucky
To have you stick around
You pushed me to my limit
And basically succeeded
'Cause forever I'll believe that the best I'll be for now
Is amazing for a minute
Amazing for a minute.